Finance Debt Reduction

Our holistic approach to financial planning means that we also look at any current financial debts that you have in place – mortgage; personal loans; credit cards.

With access to over 30 different lenders through our membership with Choice Aggregation Services and the MFAA, your integrated Accountants financial planner will be able to review and recommend any changes that you may need with your current lending set up.

In many cases it’s necessary to restructure your mortgage and other debts in order to get in better financial shape.

Your Integrated Accountants financial planner will thoroughly go through your financial situation and assist you in selecting a suitable lender and loan product that best suits your financial situation and goals.

Upon settlement of your loan, your Integrated Accountants finance planner will install and train you on how to use the Loan Manager program. Below is a brief outline of the ongoing support that you will receive from Integrated Accountants Financial planning :

6 scheduled visits in the first 12 months from your Finance Consultant for installation and further training on the Loan Manager program

Unlimited phone support
Annual visit until your mortgage is gone
Money back guarantee

With you using this program, you will have the basics of wealth creation. This is the reason for 90% of your future financial success. The controlling of your finances.